Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Run for Freedom

This piece is meant for an audience of all ages. Its purpose is to show what the specified character in the image may be thinking at that exact time in which the picture was taken.

Run, run, run faster. Only he could come up with an idea like this. I don’t know how he could have convinced us to rob that bank but there’s no time to think about things like that now. Not only that but its even starting to rain. Damn it’s the streets are getting pretty slippery. I hope none of my colleges fall or else we may have some problems. I can already hear the sirens closing in on us. What should we do? I guess our best chance is to follow the plan and just keep running until we reach our designated area to hide. Those police cars are really closing in on us fast. I don’t know what we should do. Should we split up? I don’t know if sticking to the plan would be such a great idea right about now. These bags are really heavy as well. I think we should have thought this out more carefully. I can barely hold onto them. Now I kind of understand what’s meant when those old men tell me “Don’t bite off more than you could chew.” I guess it’s too late for that now though. Ahh, there it is. I could see it. Our meeting area. Good, those police cars won’t be able to fin into that tight space so I think that should give us enough time to escape. I just hope this all works out.

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