Friday, May 15, 2009

The Three Little Thiefs

This pice is meant to be rad by an audience of all ages. The purpose of this pice is to write a fairytale and adapt it into an urban fairy tale for teens today, with relevant and engaging messages.

A long long time ago, in a land far far away, between the two great mountains of Everest, there was a small city, hidden from the rest of the world. In it was a kingdom beyond belief. And within that kingdom there lived a king and his three sons. This king was no ordinary king. For he had build this village all by himself. He called all his closest friends and acquaintances to come live with him in that little piece of paradise that he had built. He was widely respected due to that fact that he did not inherit his kingdom nor his status in the village. He was a thief and the best one at what he did. He was no ordinary thief, as he would like to call it “a thief with morals” and as both his friends and foes would say “The Thief Lord”. He would never steal from close friends or those who were less fortunate than him. As well as he would only take what he needed and anything extra was out of the question. On top of that, he would never use force. Over many years he had mastered a certain set of rare skill that makes him a nightmare for those who did not value what they had. He would leave as quickly as he entered and if his prey were lucky, they might even get a glimpse of his shadow. The only people that he would permanently borrow from would be those that did not value the significance of what they possessed at took it for granted. From that he built a kingdom like no other. He had artefact and relics form all over the world.

Now the king felt his time as ruler of his piece of paradise was coming to an end and wanted to see which of his sons would be worthy enough to inherit the largest part of his thrown. He did not know how to choose between them as the were so alike. On top of that they all possessed his skills and knowledge he had acquired though his whole life at such an early age. He agreed that he had taught them well. Any one of them would be a worthy candidate to rule his kingdom. One day he came up with an idea. He woke them all up really early and called them to the meeting room. They were quite puzzled when he told them:
“I’m sending you all away”
They did not know what to expect but they knew that their father always had reason behind his statements. They looked eagerly at him as he spoke:
“As you know my wise children, fate has been really kind to me all my life but I must say, the sun is starting to set on me, and rise on your futures. Therefore I love you all equally enough and I have found a way to divide my kingdom between you. You will all go to the ends of the earth in search of something that has the value of eternity and cannot be found anywhere else. You have two years and you must be back exactly at this time. I will be waiting.”
Without hesitation the children left as quickly as they had arrived. They took small bags of clothing and things they would need and jumped on their private jets in search of this item that would have the value of eternity. They searched far and wide, over and under but the two year limit that their father had bestowed on them had quickly come to an end.
As he had ordered the three children were waiting for their father in the meeting room two years from the day that they had left. As their father walked in they could see the effects that time has had on him. He looked at them and have them a warm smile as he sat down.
“Welcome back my sons. I see time has been kind to you. You have not aged a bit. I’m hoping your wisdom has though. One at a time, show me what treasures you have brought back with you. Remember this will determine who gets the biggest part of the kingdom.”
The first and oldest son stood in front of his aging father, looked at him and bowed on one leg.
“Father I have travelled all over Europe and bring you this gift. Its called the Mona Lisa and is the only one of its kind. It was pained a long time ago and has seen and been though a lot. It has potential to last an eternity.
His father looked at it and said “well done my son I thank you for this gift. What have you brought me my second oldest son?”
His second oldest son stood in front of him, looked at him and then bowed on one leg.
“Father I went all the way to Asia and visited a country known as Japan. There they have technologies that can last an eternity. I bring you this small gift, it’s called, the Ipod. It can store vast amounts of knowledge on it and its battery never dies.
His father looked at it and said “well done my son I thank you for this gift. And now for my youngest son. What have you brought me?”
His youngest son stepped up and looked at him with empty hands.
“Father, unlike my brothers I am sorry to disappoint you but I did not bring you an item because as useful as it may be it cannot have a value of eternity as they will break or get worn out. I travelled the world and met many people. I have learned a lot and have brought you back a gift of knowledge (pointing to his head). For knowledge cannot be broken or worn out. Nor forgotten. It can only be passed on.”
His father looked at his youngest son and smiled.
“You my son have seen what I have spent all my life learning. I am pound of you. You will be the one to have the largest part of this kingdom."
The brothers were not jealous but instead proud of their little brother. They all still spent a lot of time together in the kingdom and lived happily ever after.

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