Friday, May 15, 2009

Yellow Star of Hope

This piece is intended for an audience of all ages. The purpose of this piece is to portay the sun in a poem as well as educate the audience.

Its stands tall, thousands of killometers away.
It gives us its warmth, requesting for nothing in return.
Its big, bright and yellow, its here to stay.
We just hope it doesnt get to close, or we might start to burn.

It brightens our day and keeps our planet warm at night.
It leaves us in winter and comes back in summer.
It shares the sky with the moon. Never getting in a fight.
If it could stay all day, never going away it would be a lot funner.

You warm our oceans and give us all motivation.
We thank you wise sun for heping the earth.
You may not know it but your the key to creation.
Because without you, there would be no birth.

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